Review: Etude House Aloe Moistfull Soothing Mist

Alright, today's will be about Etude House Aloe Moistfull Soothing Mist. Furthermore, it is my second buys.

Aloe moistfull soothing mist
My first bottle was a tiny 50ml bottle (which depleted very quickly after I found out my nephew played with it by spraying it on the floor *sigh*). My currently one is 120ml bottle which is less portable but at least I don't have to keep ordering it online. 

 I was actually looking for a mist to sooth and  cool down my sensitive skin that occur due to the recent haze. My skin tend to react to haze and it get very sensitive. I can see redness around my T-zone and also more bumps around my face. Furthermore, the haze cause my skin to be oily at some area and very dry at the other parts.

I also wanted a moisturizer that is portable and can be applied easily against my skin when I am outside. So I decided to look for a mist kind of moisturizer and I found about etude house soothing mist and decided to give it a try.


I really like this product as reduce redness around my T-zone and I can feel that my skin is less dry and more smooth after a few weeks of wearing it. I also apply it before applying my BB cream before going to school. Previously, after a few hours outdoor, some parts of my face would dry up and leave some BB cream residue at the dry area which I hate so much. It looks like I did not apply my BB cream evenly and can be quite embarrassing. However after using the mist, my skin is still moist even after many hours in school.

Furthermore, it is not oily and doesn't clog my pores.

The mist do have some sort of scent though it is not that strong. The difference between the small bottle and large bottle is that the large bottle nozzle seems to be able to produce much finer mist than the small one. I am unsure of the reason. Maybe the small bottle nozzle is defective.

For those who are interested in buying it you can try searching at qoo10.

Large bottle - S$14.33
Small bootle - S$12.65

I am not sure if you can find it at Etude House Singapore. Perhaps you can give Etude House Singapore a visit and compare the price.

Rating: 5/5

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