Showing posts with label Facial Mist. Show all posts

Review: Etude House Aloe Moistfull Soothing Mist

Alright, today's will be about Etude House Aloe Moistfull Soothing Mist. Furthermore, it is my second buys.

Aloe moistfull soothing mist
My first bottle was a tiny 50ml bottle (which depleted very quickly after I found out my nephew played with it by spraying it on the floor *sigh*). My currently one is 120ml bottle which is less portable but at least I don't have to keep ordering it online. 

 I was actually looking for a mist to sooth and  cool down my sensitive skin that occur due to the recent haze. My skin tend to react to haze and it get very sensitive. I can see redness around my T-zone and also more bumps around my face. Furthermore, the haze cause my skin to be oily at some area and very dry at the other parts.

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Review: Faceshop Pure Water Facial Mist Jeju Flower and Jeju Marine

Today I'm going to review on TheFaceShop Pure Water Facial Mist. It comes in 3 types. However, I bought and tried only two of it (JejuMarine & JejuFlower). I simply love it product as it hydrates my skin and does not clog my pore like other moisturizer. As I have mentioned some moisturizer that I've tried before clogged my pores and makes my skin look horrible... my skin will look oily instead of being moisturized. Clogged pores also means more pimple, whiteheads and blackheads (can be quite bothersome to remove and it can make your pore big). Hence, it is important to find the right moisturizer for your skin!

70ml Thefacehop Jeju Marine Facial Mist

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