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Review: Nivea Angel Star Deodorant Anti-Perspirant

I going to do a short review Nivea Angel Star Deoderant. Even though it is not exactly a skin product however I still would like to share my views on it. It is supposedly my second buys of this. What I really like about this product is its smell. Unlike some deodorant, it does not produce foul smell when mixed with your sweat. However instead the smell get stronger when I sweat more. Hmm... its kind of hard for to explain the smell ... I would say its candy-like and shampoo kind of smell.
Finished using my first one
It is also  anti-perspiration. However, if I were to be outdoor for an extended period of time (with very humid and warm weather in Singapore) my under-arm will starts to wet a bit. Its kind of inevitable.

Thirdly, it is alcohol free so it will not cause your under-arm skin to be too dry and flaky which is good.

And lastly, it is dermatological proven to be skin tolerance so you guys don't have to worry about allergic reactions.

If you guys have tried this product I would love to know your views about this deodorant. You can do so by leaving you comments at the comment section below :D

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